Building Options
Footing Methods
Footings are used to support the building and prevent it from settling. In colder climates, it's important that the footing extends below the "frost line" so that the building isn't subject to frost heave. Footings need to bear on undisturbed soil, which is important to consider if your building pad is located on a sloping grade. With Post-Frame methods, longer columns can be furnished where required to achieve a proper footing depth.

Roof Trusses
Roof Trusses are designed to carry certain loads such as wind, snow, ceilings, the weight of the roof and any roof traffic. Trusses are a key structural component and most building jurisdictions will require that they meet design loads. Trusses can also play a role in the function of your building as well its overall appearance.

Roof Framing Methods
The construction of your roof is determined by which one of the three Framing Methods you've chosen. Roof Purlins on Face is our standard and can be used on the Craftsman Framing Method or the Stud Wall Framing Method. Our Traditional Framing Method uses either Roof Purlins on Edge or Inset Roof Purlins.

Roofing Types
It's important for your new building to have the proper roof system for its intended purpose. Ribbed Steel over Roof Purlins is good for most applications on sheds, garages and barns. If your building will have a finished interior or will be heated and cooled it may be worth considering one of the methods that use an underlayment of OSB Sheathing and Roof Felt.

Adding Overhangs to your new building is the single best way to dress it up and they're functional too. We offer several different Styles to help you achieve the look you're after whether it's a basic shed, a nice garage or a classic stall barn. Overhangs also allow an attic space to vent properly if you decide to install a ceiling now or in the future.

Cupolas and Dormers
Cupolas are a nice touch to finish out your building. They can function as ventilation but usually are just for looks and mounted on a weather tight base. Cupolas are color matched to the building at no extra charge and come with your choice of weathervane. If your building will have attic space or a loft area then a dormer might be useful for providing light and ventilation.

Wall Framing Methods
Flush Mounted Wall Girts is the standard wall framing method we use and it works well for most building applications. The other methods are useful for some types of siding or if the building is well-insulated with finished interior walls.

Siding Types
We're happy to offer you a wide range of siding choices because it's a key element in the visual appeal of your new building. Ribbed Steel over open Wall Girts is our standard and most economical method of siding your building and it's offered in a choice of 22 different colors. The options that include OSB wall sheathing will provide additional strength and security to your building while providing a "backer" for attachment of the siding.

Lean-tos are an economical way to gain additional footage for a variety of uses including covered storage, shade, rooms and stalls. Lean-tos can attach at the Eaveline of your main building or below it and can be located on any side. We offer widths from 8'-0" to 20'-0" using rafters and can also build wider using roof trusses. Some Lean-to options to consider are steel ceilings, Column Y-Braces and Columns with Dutch Corners.

We offer four basic types of Vinyl Windows to serve your viewing natural light and ventilating requirements. Our Sliding Windows are available insulated or non-insulated, all others have 3/4" insulated dual pane glass. Available options include grid patterns, shutters and Low E energy ratings.

We offer a wide selection of standard doors to meet your needs whether it's for a secure entry door or to park large farm machinery. Each door includes a framed opening and trim package. Overhead doors include boxed headers and treated lumber on the jambs. Entry doors include 4x6 columns on both jambs and use 3" screws to secure the door frame to the columns. There's also a wide range of non-standard doors available such as patio doors, hanger doors, fire doors, etc. so let us know what your needs are and we'll try our best to accommodate them.